Gli scrittori della porta accanto

L'editoriale di Elena Genero Santoro: a memorable business trip

I have already had memorable business trips, considering that memorable has not a positive acceptance.
More than one time I didn’t feel good during a trip because my stomach had had some problems and now travelling alone has become challenging for me, because I start each journey prejudiced, scared and worried.
But in the middle of February I won my fear and I went to Brussels for a couple of days. It would have been my first trip alone after my gluten sensitivity had been diagnosed.
During the flight I was in a sweat, and even if I didn’t defeated any air crash, the idea to be closed in the plane for a couple of hours, alone, without any friends or relatives, was distressing for me.
Moreover, to make it more difficult, that was the worst flight I had in my life because of really, really horrible turbulence.
But given that my problem is to travel alone, this is the reason why I struck up a friendship with an Italian lady with a ten month old child. She lives and works in Brussels, but her husband lives and works in Turin, so they have to travel alternately to Turin and to Brussels very often. However, we are still in touch by Whatsapp.
Once there, I had a dinner with a close friend of mine who I met some years ago during my business trips – he worked in my sector, he was a competitors, but last year he left his company and changed job. He wanted  to have more free time than he had. So now to meet him I have to organize something different from the mere business  because now he doesn’t take part in the meetings I take part in.
It was a very nice dinner, and I had one of the best small talk in English in my life. Oh, I forgot, this friend has a French name but he doesn’t speak French at all. He’s officially Dutch, even if his family comes also from Indonesia and South America. His wife is Italian so he speaks Dutch, English, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. But between Italian and English, he’s more comfortable with English. Amazing!
In the restaurant, (one of the few gluten free pizzeria in Belgium) we talked also to the owner, an Italian guy who has lived in Brussels for 30 years. He told us, prophetically, that Muslims administration occupied 7 in 19 districts in Brussels city, that in Molenbeek district (where most of the Muslims live) there was no control, no supervision, and that crime rate was increasing.
And one month later, the attack to Zaventem airport, in the entrance hall (huge, because common to the three terminals) that I crossed many times. The day of the attack I spent much time writing to all my friends who live in Brussels (and trip after trip they are a number). In general they had had no problem, but the wife of a friend had left the subway station few minutes before it was attacked. He couldn’t reach her by phone and so he was really scared and he spent terrible moments.
About me, that day I was in Italy, but my Whatsapp didn’t work, so some friends were worried and I had to publish a post on my Facebook page to reassure about my health.

Elena Genero Santoro
Ama viaggiare e conoscere persone che vivono in altri Paesi. Lettrice feroce e onnivora, scrive da quando aveva quattordici anni.
Perché ne sono innamorata, Montag
L’occasione di una vita, ebook Lettere Animate
Un errore di gioventù, 0111 Edizioni
Gli Angeli del Bar di Fronte, 0111 Edizioni.
Il tesoro dentro, 0111 Edizioni.

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About Elena Genero Santoro

Il webmagazine degli scrittori indipendenti.
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