Gli scrittori della porta accanto

In the end: a tribute to Chester Bennington, by Rosanna Costantino, translated by Drazen Prunk

In the end: a tribute to Chester Bennington, by Rosanna Costantino, translated by Drazen Prunk

Books Press release. In the end. A tribute to Chester Bennington (PubMe – Gli Scrittori della Porta Accanto), by Rosanna Costantino, translated by Drazen Prunk: "A little piece of Chester to always keep with us, a source of inspiration for all the soldiers."

His musical calling started when he was a child, when he always used to say to everyone that he was going to become a rock star or a big Broadway actor. Very different careers from the ones of his parents: his mother, Susan Elaine Johnson, was a nurse; his father, Lee Russell, a cop.
He learned his first song at the age of two, the hard rock hit Hot Blooded by Foreigner, a group he started to listen to thanks to his brother, along with Loverboy and Rush. His mother said that he used to play and sing all the parts from the 1980 musical film Popeye all the time. Like every child, he found in the music the right joyful entertainment and recreation.
Two intense brown eyes shining with vibrancy and brilliance. They could eat your soul with that raw childish excitement, charm you with a disarming smile revealing his state of mind, or annihilate you with a perforating honesty that wasn’t afraid to show itself as it was.
When he burst out laughing it was so captivating and contagious, you could feel an explosion of authentic joy, an intense flow of words and gestures. You couldn’t see anything else than a universe full of enthusiasm and positive euphoria.
That impetuous and glowing passion was his essence, his deepest nature.
There was something in him so visceral that could hit you like a storm, leaving you out of breath. His demons, always digging deeper, until they surfaced through his art, as life didn’t allow him to have a happy childhood.
Something unexpected and hideous happened when he was only six, something that started an infernal series of self-destructive coping mechanisms. That child, who was born screaming like every newborn, found out that he could keep doing that for the rest of his days, channeling frustration, loneliness, anger and desperation in a passion that once was joyful.
He didn’t know yet that by showing his wounded and angry soul, trying to appease it and force it to make peace with the world, he would have changed the life of millions of people.
Rosanna Costantino, In the end. A tribute to Chester Bennington

In the end
A tribute to Chester Bennington

wrtitten by Rosanna Costantino
translated by Drazen Prunk
PubMe – Gli Scrittori della Porta Accanto
ISBN 979-1254580806


"It starts with…
A boy born on March 20, 1976, a skinny little boy with his contagious laugh, a boy whose childhood was stolen. Then the boy turned into a man with a great passion for music, a man who made his dream come true, becoming one of the most famous singers of all times, a man who was a wonderful friend, husband, father, a man who, behind that joyful and lighthearted facade, hid demons so wicked and devious you couldn’t imagine.
Chester was all of this.
In this amazing tribute, Rosanna Costantino was able to transmute the emotions and the feelings of every fan in the world into written words, opening her heart. In the same time she also described in detail the life of this great man, from the day he was born to the tragic death, and how his bandmates, his friends and Linkin Park fans have experienced and how they were able to hold on and to stay strong together.
Chester and Linkin Park are a source of inspiration for all the soldiers, their music saved so many lives, they told us not to give up through their lyrics, they made us feel invincible, they are our heroes and now, with Rosanna’s book, we can have a little piece of Chester to always keep with us."

Paola Trogu

Track list


Rosanna Costantino

Rosanna Costantino

Rosanna Costantino was born in Basilicata (a region of Southern Italy), in 1981. She is married, with two kids.
She graduated in Modern Literature. She is a journalist and she worked for “Il Quotidiano del Sud-Basilicata” as a proofreader.
She believes everyone should live life as a masterpiece. That’s why she devotes herself to multiple passions: she loves losing herself into the colors and the shapes of paintings, into the dancing words of a good book, and she loves to get carried away by the magic of the frames of a movie.
But her greatest passion is music, whose propelling power gave birth to this unofficial but intense biography of one of her beloved idols, Chester Bennington.

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