Gli scrittori della porta accanto

Once unpon a time in the Solar System, an activity book by Amy Cafe Gerini

Once unpon a time in the Solar System, an activity book by Amy Cafe Gerini

Books Press Release. Once unpon a time in the Solar System (PubMe – Gli Scrittori della Porta Accanto KIDS), by Amy Cafe Gerini: an activity book for children written and illustrated by a very talented young astronomy, width space vocabulary and atroquiz for aspiring astronauts.

A third planet approached stealthily: Earth. She had company: a satellite called Moon. The Moon could not move away from Earth because Earth was larger than her and had an invisible rope that tied the Moon nearby. The invisible string – Earth had once explained to her – was called gravity. Earth and the Moon were females and looked for Venus from the North Pole to the South Pole, but could not see her clearly.
Arriving close to Venus, Earth said: “You arrived before me, but even if I am third planet, I am the luckiest!”
“Why would you be the luckiest?” Mercury asked. If there was a lucky planet in that situation it was him for sure, being between the Sun and Venus.
“I’m the luckiest because I’m in the habitable zone, the best place in the Solar System, where life can originate...”
Venus, being vain, interrupted her: "Uh… Habitable zone?! It’s better living in a sauna like me!"
“My dear, you don’t understand. First of all, I’m blue: I’m the only planet where you can find liquid water. Look at me… I’m all blue! I also have plants, animals and…”
Mercury intruded, in defense of Venus: “You have plants and animals, but you have so much racket. At least on my surface there is absolute silence!” Amy Cafe Gerini, Once unpon a time in the Solar System

Once unpon a time in the Solar System

written by Amy Cafe Gerini
translated by Valentina Gerini and Stephanie Franks
PubMe – Gli Scrittori della Porta Accanto KIDS
Activity book | Reading age 5+
ISBN 979-1254583210
Italian edition


⭐Once upon a time in the Solar System – Solar System activity book for children ⭐

How did the Solar System form?
Did you know that Mars is so shy that it always blushes? And that the Moon is so jealous of Earth that it always stays close to her? Can you believe that Saturn's rings are so bright they look like a ballerina's tutu? And what about Uranus rolling around the Sun instead of spinning?
To discover these and many other curiosities, get to know the planets that orbit around the Sun one by one.

⭐ACTIVITY BOOK: This children's book was both written and illustrated by a very talented young astronomy enthusiast and includes a bonus section with space vocabulary and an atroquiz for aspiring astronauts!



Amy Cafe Gerini

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